Tuesday, February 21, 2012

us lately...

We just had Jane's 15 month check-up.  I was excited to see how much weight she had gained--I was sure it was a lot!  It wasn't...she is still  under 20 pounds (19 lbs. 12 oz) and still  8th percentile <SIGH>.  Her height is at 50th percentile.  It seems the only thing doing much growing is her head (now 62%), though it's not at all big.  So there you have it.  Funny how we want our babies to be fat and our grown-ups to be thin.

A new favorite pastime:  pushing around a doll stroller, although I use the term "doll stroller" loosely.

I've also seen her put milk, shoes, and food in there.  Which is good, because she needs all the practice she can get before she'll be allowed to push baby brother's stroller...

A few more of Jane....

As for non-Jane news, Caleb has a new job!  He is working at R & K Building Supply.  It wasn't something he was looking for, they just called him last month and offered him a job.  Although it's not really his dream job, we decided that with having the baby and everything, a salaried job with benefits and regular hours would be nice for our family.  Besides that, he is still "moonlighting" by drafting plans in the evenings and weekends.

As for me, I am fat!  I feel like I look like I'm due next week, not in 3 1/2 months.  Ugh.  And I huff and puff anytime I have to exert myself in any way.  It probably doesn't help that I am eating horribly and not exercising.  With Jane, I was very conscientious of my diet and exercised somewhat regularly.  I'm nervous to see where this goes...

A few pictures for your scrutiny:

19 1/2 weeks

25 weeks
And in other news, Caleb did a fantastic job on Valentine's Day this year.  He bought me a goofy card (I don't do well with sappy, so he got it just right), surprised me with these beautiful flowers, and took me out for dinner at a Thai restaurant.  Nicely played, husband!


  1. I'm right there with ya, sister! 25 weeks this week! You look great :) Will Jane and baby bro be about 19 months apart then? That's my kids. Baby Hazel will be just under 2.5 years from her sister (kind of a nice little break). I loved having the first two "so close" together - they are BEST BUDS now and I love it! Hope you are feeling well and good luck with the last 15ish weeks! Exciting stuff, hijita!

  2. Your belly is so cute! I didn't know you were having a BOY! Tom doesn't tell me anything, so you're going to need to post everything on your blog. :) I'm surprised he even told me you were pregnant. Congrats by the way! That is so exciting. My sister and I were 19 months apart and it was great!

    Jane is so adorable. I love all of the random stuff in her stroller! So funny! And I love your flowers too... They're gorgeous! Nice job Caleb!

  3. Where to start... First, the picture of Jane in the red basket reminds me SO much of a picture of Caleb at that age. I think he is even wearing those colors. Despite that fact, she is SO ADORABLE! I wish you could have heard Dagny chuckling with pleasure at the pictures and footage of Jane with the stroller. Next, hooray for a job for husband and for gorgeous flowers. I am glad Caleb is being a good husband. And finally, you look great, even though I can totally relate to the huffing and puffing and general feelings of cumber. So excited to see you guys in April.
